For What It’s Worth, 2017

fwiw_45discSO much running through my mind and my heart right now…and, because I’m fiery, the language here is salty. Really salty.

First, let me express that I do in fact own a firearm. A Browning Double Auto 12 gauge shotgun in case you’re curious. I’ve shot some clays, and I’m hoping to get out and shoot some birds. In other words, I’m a sportsman.

I do not, however, subscribe to handgun culture and sure as shit see absolutely no reason to own an assault-style rifle. Both types of firearms, in my opinion, have only one purpose, the taking of human life.

Today, we find ourselves reacting to another mass shooting at the hands of a white man with an automatic or enhanced semi-automatic weapon.  Two shooters, over 80 people shot and killed.

And yet, our society continues to deny that our gun culture is a problem, that our amended Constitutional rights trump the basic foundational right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

At what point are we going to say the fact we can now classify mass shootings according to their location means we have a fucking problem as it relates to gun use and ownership. My goodness, at what point do we acknowledge that the following sentence should be nothing short of preposterous: “The shooting is the deadliest mass killing at a place of worship in modern American history, surpassing the nine killed at Emmanuel AME Baptist Church in Charleston, South Carolina in 2015.” (source)?

And, the irony of this statement from our President, if the whole situation weren’t so tragically horrific, would be almost laughable: “May God be w/ the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas. The FBI & law enforcement are on the scene. I am monitoring the situation from Japan,” But, really, as an initial response, there really isn’t anything else President Trump could say. Except, well, maybe, “and I am going to challenge both the senate and house to address the matter of gun ownership and so-called gun rights.” But he didn’t, and his response is so not the issue. Instead, it’s the notion that no matter where we are, a dance hall, open air concert, or our church/temple/mosque we now get to practice vigilance in addition to celebration and worship.

Seriously! We can actually classify places of worship as possible, if not probable sites for shootings. And not at the hands not of jihadis, terrorists, or foreign nationals. No, these are being perpetrated frequently by white American males and naturalized male American citizens. The killers in these cases are born into or assimilated into a culture that condones, nay values the accumulation of armaments, and refuses to limit the arming of oneself beyond that of a owning a shotgun or rifle in the long held traditions of being a sportsman.

I for one am tired of reading this or some version of this on seeming a monthly basis: “”I’m shocked by it,” said the neighbor, who declined to provide her name. She’s lived in Sutherland Springs for nearly 20 years and enjoyed the community’s quiet, friendly atmosphere. “It’s really unbelievable,” she said.” (source).

Aren’t you tired of reading such quotes?

For what it’s worth, this is so fucking in play right now. Really, click on the link, listen along as you read the balance of the post. That way, even if you don’t like my words, you’ll walk away with a meaningful message on you mind.

As the only developed nation on earth where these events occur with any sort of regularity or frequency, we must come to admit it is incumbent upon each of us to consider our part in this mess. Each of us has an almost holy obligation, to stop and look around at what the heck is going on around this nation and take intentional steps toward deliberately setting aside any self-centered or politicized agenda and begin embracing one of the many solutions: love for one another.

Simplistic? You bet your ass. But you cannot deny Love anchors each of our traditions, be they Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Sikh, Jain, Humanist, Pagan, Agnostic, or whatever other practice or set of beliefs you follow. Each values the dignity of life, and if that works itself into daily life, then maybe, just maybe, we don’t see the need to load up and set others in their graves; instead, we’re working alongside one another an lifting them up from the ground.

Love, though isn’t the end point, though. If we embrace love it’s at the forefront of our actions toward one another, sweating through the pores of every one of our endeavors. We punch the clock, and serving boss, coworker and client with care. Moreover, we lead, lobby, and legislate in such a way as to foster nothing less than love. And, for what it’s worth we do this even if it means sacrificing what we term a right.

Now, before moving on, join me in a prayer – Heavenly creator, Lord of all, maker of every heart on this planet. Endow our nation, our people with hearts more inclined toward love rather then selfish personal interests. Look down on our nation, especially the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas. Bring healing to our hearts, to our souls, and bathe us in your light, love and peace. Amen.


P.S. – here’s the source of my image







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